Bipolar I or Type 1 Bipolar Disorder.
Bipolar disorder type 1 or bipolar I, is diagnosed when the patient has at least one
episode lasting at least one week or longer.
A bipolar patient experiencing mania often has feelings of extreme self-importance, racing thoughts,distractability,poor judgment, elation, talkativeness, increased sociability, increased sex drive, and a desire to embark on goal-oriented activities.
Patients with bipolar mania also experience irritability, impatience, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and a decreased need for sleep. This can often make accomplishing goals more difficult for the patient.
Usually a manic period is followed by a period of depression, although a few bipolar type 1 individuals may not experience a major depressive episode.
Severe mania, Sometimes called hyper mania, typically occurs in bipolar disorder type 1 patients. This state occurs because the patient is almost constantly awake and in a "manic state".
Hyper mania also can be accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as the patient becoming delusional or having hallucinations.
This happens most often when a patient has experienced a prolonged hyper manic or mixed episode.
In a mixed episode the patient can be very depressed emotionally, but display symptoms of mania such as inability to concentrate and lack of sleep. (for example, depression with racing thoughts, irritability and inability to focus).
Also, dysphonic mania is common (mania characterized by anger and irritability).
Bipolar disorder type 1 is the most common type of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder type 1 is typically diagnosed if the patient experiences long manic periods with possibly one or two short depressive periods each year,
Bipolar type 1 is sometimes treated with
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
However, when the patient displays symptoms of hyper mania,cognitive behavioral therapy is not as effective during these episodes.
Cyclothymia refers to the cycling of hyper manic episodes with depression that does not reach major depressive proportions. One-third of patients with cyclothymia will develop bipolar I or II disorder later in life.
Rapid cycling occurs in up to 20% of bipolar I and II patients. In rapid cycling, manic and depressive episodes must alternate frequently, at least four times in 12 months, to meet the diagnostic definition. In some cases of "ultra-rapid cycling," the patient may bounce between manic and depressive states several times within a 24-hour period. This condition is very hard to distinguish from mixed states.
Bipolar NOS is a category for bipolar states that do not clearly fit into the bipolar I, II, or cyclothymia diagnoses.
Bipolar disorder of any kind is very difficult to treat. Personally, I have yet to meet a person who has been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder of any type that is satisfied with any singular treatment option available in medicine and psychotherapy.
I have however, met a few people who are managing their disorders through proper education, and a combination of psychotherapy, and a tailor made personal treatment plan involving several available therapies.