Treatment Plan Conclusion

This is the conclusion to the bipolar and anxiety treatment plan. today's focus is continued symptom management, and relapse prevention.

Congratulations! You have reached the end of the treatment plan!

You have really come a long way toward better mental health and should be proud of yourself.

Now I have some good news, and some bad news.

The bad news is that 85% of the people who learn these techniques in a mental hospital, or outpatient program, relapse and return.

The good news is that after returning and re-learning these techniques a second time patients are 60% less likely to relapse again.

Studies have also shown that those patients that continually read and use the knowledge given to them at the hospital also have a 60% increase in their success rate.

In other words the more you keep this information fresh in your mind, less like likely a relapse will be.

For this reason mental hospitals often send home folders when patients are released, containing the information that was learned.

I didn't learn this until my third visit to a hospital. They always suggested that we keep and read the information that was being sent home again, but it was never really spelled out why.

The facts here are that what we are really up against is a chemical imbalance. The only way to fix this is to retrain our brain. (Medication can help with this process, by inhibiting production or absortion of certain chemicals, but they can not help with the underlying causes of the execessive chemical production)

To do that a person must really focus their mind on thinking and behaving differently. (FYI: the definition of insanity is to repeat the same behavior while expecting different results.) It takes time, practice, and dedication.

In most cases when the patient has to return to the hospital it is because they have thrown away their treatment information, and tried to "forget the whole experience".

But what we really need to do is focus on what we have learned and implement it into our daily lives.

For this reason, I am going to ask you to click on

Day 1 and begin your treatment plan again.

Make another Dr. appointment,(Obiviously you don't need another physical so soon, but now would be a good time to see a dentist, or an eye doctor. Or, if your primary doctor has referred you to a specialist, now would be a good time to follow up with that)Start another seven day commitment to journaling. (this time focus more on goal planning,such as making small changes toward better health or appearance and writing out ways that other people can help you if you were to ask. Don't be afraid to write about the bad things. Sometimes this is the best way to "get it out")and so on.

Most importantly, re-read all of the information in this treatment plan.

I really feel that in order to be successful in your recovery, you should do this plan at least three times, re-reading all of the information.

The second course should be done right after the first, and yuo should take a week long break before starting it for a third round. (Taking a break is an effective study technique that will allow your mind to absorb and retain the information more successfully)

This will keep the information you have learned fresh in your mind during the crucial first month of recovery, and give you a chance to catch anything you may have missed the first time around. I will also be adding new information to this website, that will be benefital for you to learn, and returning will give you an oppotunity to see any new information added.

Again doing the treatment plan more than once will increase your chances of succsessfully managing your bipolar disorder or anxiety symptoms with or without medication.

Good luck with your recovery!

Day 10 Return From Treatment Plan Conclusion To Home Page

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